
About Windlehurst


Windlehurst School is a special school for children and young people aged 11-16 years (Key Stages 3 and 4) and is maintained by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. It caters for pupils who have social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Many pupils have additional complex needs including autism, AD(H)D, Specific Learning Difficulties and significant communication difficulties. The pupils attending Windlehurst all have an EHCP.

Our Teachers and Learning Support Assistants offer a safe environment for our pupils and respond to each pupils unique, individual needs. The aim of Windlehurst School is to re-engage our pupils in their education, through well planned, engaging and appropriately differentiated lessons, designed to meet individual needs. Pupils are taught in small groups with a high ratio of staff to pupils and in a supportive environment. 

Along with the Key Stage 3 and 4 curriculums, we offer Engage activities such as Forest School, Swimming, City in the Community and for some pupils, practical off site learning leading to qualifications in a work place environment.