Before a student is admitted to Windlehurst School, all involved parties sign a Home / School Agreement. You can see a copy of this agreement here.
Windlehurst School – Organisation of the School Day
Windlehurst School operates on 2 sites. The larger site in Hawk Green accommodates students in Years 7, 8 and 9 and older students who are following GCSE courses. The site at Millbrook Street is used as a base for students who respond to a more practical curriculum. The Millbrook Street site is used mainly, but not exclusively, by pupils at KS4.
School begins at 8.50, with registration for all students. There is a 20 minute break in the middle of the morning and 40 minutes break for lunch. The end of the school day is usually at 2.30pm but this can be extended if students need to catch up on work they may have missed or if they opt to stay for after-school activities.
Students at the Hawk Green site are transported to and from school by taxi if they live too far away to walk to school. Students attending the Millbrook site are expected to make their way there independently.
If students are attending vocational or practical programmes they are not expected to wear school uniform. Whilst attending school for regular lessons, however, they are expected to wear the school uniform, some of which will be provided. The uniform consists of dark (preferably black) jogging pants, black trainers or similar comfortable footwear, along with a school sweatshirt and polo shirt.
School staff try to maintain regular contact with parents and will make themselves available to speak with parents either by phone or in person if parents request it. If parents do have a concern, they are requested to contact their child’s form tutor in the first instance. If their query cannot be resolved in this way, then the next point of contact is either the Deputy Headteacher , Mr. Berry (for parents of students at Hawk Green) or Mr. Cahill for students based at Millbrook.
The school has a small but effective governing body but currently no parent governors. If any parents are interested in becoming school governors, please contact the school to let us know.
Further Information
To find out more information about our vision, aims and objectives; the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders; behaviour management including regards, sanctions & exclusions, along with other key information about Windlehurst School, please refer to our Behaviour Policy.
School Meals
Totally Local Company provide school meals for the pupils at Windlehurst School. The menus are bespoke to meet the choices made by the pupils and to ensure a variety of options each day. Along with hot meals a selection of sandwiches or wraps are made available as well as jacket potato and fillings. Salad and fruit are part of the daily options. For a flavour of our spring menu please click the link for week 1 and week 2