Windlehurst School is a special school for children and young people aged 11-16 years (Key Stages 3 and 4) and is maintained by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. It caters for pupils who have social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Many pupils have additional complex needs including autism, AD(H)D, Specific Learning Difficulties and significant communication difficulties. Concerns about a student’s behaviour will usually be the main feature causing a referral to Windlehurst School.

Admissions to Windlehurst School are made through Stockport Local Authority. Pupils would all usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan and are referred after recommendation by a panel of education professionals and officers of Stockport Education Authority.

Whilst the Headteacher works closely with the Local Authority to ensure that any referrals are appropriate, applications for admission are made solely through the Local Authority and not directly to the school.


Home School Agreement - Pupils              Home School Agreement - Parents                  Home School Agreement - School


Windlehurst School is a special school for children and young people aged 11-16 years (Key Stages 3 and 4) and is maintained by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council. It caters for pupils who have social, emotional or mental health difficulties. Many pupils have additional complex needs including autism, AD(H)D, Specific Learning Difficulties and significant communication difficulties. Concerns about a student’s behaviour will usually be the main feature causing a referral to Windlehurst School.

Admissions to Windlehurst School are made through Stockport Local Authority. Pupils would all usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan and are referred after recommendation by a panel of education professionals and officers of Stockport Education Authority.

Whilst the Headteacher works closely with the Local Authority to ensure that any referrals are appropriate, applications for admission are made solely through the Local Authority and not directly to the school.


Home School Agreement - Pupils              Home School Agreement - Parents                  Home School Agreement - School